Some Ideas On Losing Weight

By Phil Sumpter

Many people are constantly concerned about their weight. They will try many different diets and tips in order to lose weight but will never see the results that they desire. One of the reasons for this will be because they are not disciplined enough to keep their efforts going for a sustained period of time. What needs to be done to ensure that you lose weight and maintain it is to instead to develop a healthy lifestyle that you can take forward for the rest of your life rather than relying on quick fix diet options. Here are a few tips on weight loss and developing that lifestyle.

First of all, you need to start to exercise properly and keep this up. You should be looking to incorporate at least 3 session of half an hour into your week. This can be anything from jogging to riding bike to swimming. If you feel that you will benefit from additional efforts you can, of course, increase your levels and the intensity of your training.

Other than cardiovascular exercise, you will also be able to see positive results from muscle building exercises as well. The reason for this is because by having more muscle you will naturally burn more calories.

When it comes to what foods you eat another tip is to keep a record of everything that you eat. If you do this over some time you will be able to see any patterns in different foods that you eat that lead to improved weight loss. As a result of this you will be able to focus on those foods that are positive to your weight.

It is, however, important to not focus too much on getting thin and instead to change your attention to keeping healthy. By taking on foods that will help your body to remain healthy you are more likely to see better results, both in your physical and mental state.

You should also look to think about why and when you overeat. People will often overeat then they are stressed or bored or depressed so its important for you to recognise this and take more healthy and positive steps to prevent these problems.

When it comes to your meals its also important that you control the size of your portions. Many people will think that their diets are very healthy and the foods they eat are healthy, and yet they will complain that they are not seeing the desired results. One significant reason for this is because their portions of food will be too large. It is far better to eat more small meals that a few big ones.

Another top tip for those who find that they are having trouble sticking to their diet plans and exercise plans is to join up with a local support group. Here you will be able to share your experiences with others who are in the same boat and will gain a lot of confidence from knowing that you are not alone in the fight. - 30249

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What Are The Most Popular Tips On Losing Weight?

By Phil Sumpter

The world, or at least parts of the western world, appear to be getting fatter. Rates of obesity are climbing rapidly in countries like America and the UK and people are therefore suffering from serious medical conditions as a result. With a culture of fast food junk food in our modern societies people are now getting fatter and fatter. As a result of this a lot of people are not happy with the state of their appearance and health and are seeking ways of losing their weight. They will often turn to miracle diets and the like that will promise to lose them 5 stone in 5 months or something like that, but they will only go and put the weight back on when they are done. Instead people need to follow some very simple rules when it comes to weight loss.

This is by far the best way of guaranteeing your successful weight loss. By ingraining patterns in your life that maintain your weight and keep you healthy you will become totally used to this and as a result will never return to the obese past you used to have. But how do you get this lifestyle? well, there are certain things that you need to do.

The main thing that you need to do is to build up your metabolism and make sure that you maintain this. There are a couple of tops ways in which you can do this. The first is to start to do a lot of cardiovascular exercise in order to get your heart rate up. You need to get this exercise several times a week and the best time to do so is in the morning before you eat anything.

The reason for this is that over night out bodies will slowly burn off all of our carbs for energy. When we wake up our levels of carbs and our blood sugar will be very low. The body will then seek out the next best source of energy and this will be fat.

You should also look to the proportions of your food in order to build your metabolism. You need to try to cut down your portion and eat four to five meals each day that are small rather than eating two or three big ones. This will help you body to avoid a catabolic state which it enters after not being fed for a while. During this state the body used muscle for energy rather than fat.

There are many others tricks that you can do in order to help you lose weight. One such trick is to drink herbal or green tea. When you start to feel cravings for sweet and savoury snacks you should simply turn to drinking a large mug or pint of tea. Simply by making the tea your mind will be averted and when you drink it the heat of it fills you up and the aroma helps to satisfy your cravings.

It is also a good idea to drink a pint of water before every meal that you have to take the edge off your hunger and prevent you from filling up on food. You might also consider drinking less alcohol or cutting down on this completely. Alcohol is made up of empty calories that are converted to nothing but fat.

These are a few weight loss tips for your consideration. - 30249

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The Atkins Plan

By Brian Johnson

You have decided that you're going on a diet and you've told yourself that this will be the last one that you'll ever take. The only reason for this is that you've already heard so much about the Atkins Diet, that you have total confidence in its ability to help you reduce weight and to keep it off. You know that with the help of the Atkins diet plan you can tailor make your diet to suit your body and your requirements.

When you commence your diet, you'll get an Atkins diet plan that will get you going on the first leg of your dieting journey. This is phase one, called the induction phase, of the four phases which you will pass through. So, what you're really getting with the Atkins diet plan is a great way for you to control the path you take on your diet and how long it will take you to shed the amount of weight you choose to.

Although, you don't have follow the Atkins diet plan religiously, if you really want fast results, you will follow it religiously. So, abstain from the carbs and eat your high fat, high protein meals. Well, you won't need to stay away from carbs completely, you'll just need to make yours a low carb diet instead of the high carb diet you've been following so unconsciously all of your life so far.

However, by following the Atkins diet plan and all but cutting out carbs from your diet, you reduce the chances of your diet failing and going to the dogs. After all, this time you've decided that this is your last diet and that you're going to make it work, so it is really no use tempting fate and veering, even if slightly, off course from your Atkins diet plan.

Remember that the whole plan is adaptable to suit you, and to help you make your dieting limitations easier to bear. With that in mind, also remember that within the Atkins diet plan, you can also eat at least 20 carbs, but you will have a virtually unlimited buffet of proteins and fats available to you. So, you don't have to be worried that your diet is going to cost you the pleasures of eating well.

On the Atkins diet plan, you'll find out that you can eat well without feeling the loss of your carbs very much. And even though you might think that cooking and planning meals will be difficult, if you have to stay within the restrictions of the Atkins diet plan, you'll be pleasantly relieved to realize that it is just not true.

There are many fantastic foods and meal plans available on the Atkins diet plan and if you can just finish reading your Atkins diet plan, you'll find that you really can get through this diet easily with practically no sacrifice on your behalf. That's what I call a diet to end all diets! And isn't that just what you were looking for anyway? - 30249

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Atkins Diet Basics

By Michael James

The popular name for the 'Atkins Nutritional Approach' is the 'Atkins Diet', which was the brainchild of Doctor Robert Atkins. He had put on a lot of weight while in medical school and after reading about a certain diet in the medical journal, he decided to improve it and release it under his own name.

Atkins, in his Atkins diet book, wrote that he believed that the prevailing theories about weight gain were terribly wrong. First, he dismissed the idea that saturated fats were bad for weight loss; instead he said it was it was the carbohydrates that caused the weight problems Americans have these days. Atkins held that on the contrary, our obsession with avoiding fat actually aggravated the problem. He pointed out that the low-fat diet foods on the market were high in carbohydrates but were not helping the nation, which probably meant that people on a 'normal' diet often ate foods that were worse for them than what they had been eating before.

The Atkins diet shifts the focus. Atkins said that by cutting out carbohydrates, people would burn stored body fats. And, of course, if you lose the fat, you lose the weight. He said it was not just a matter of eating less. Atkins postulated that your diet could actually help you burn calories and The Atkins Diet supposedly burned more calories than were consumed everyday. But the claims were disputed.

Dr. Atkins also promulgated the positive influence that his diet could have on people with type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is a disease you get early in life, but type 2 is often closely associated with diet and excess body weight. So, it should follow that any diet that helps decrease weight, will help people with Type 2 diabetes. The Atkins diet is low in carbohydrates, which ought to be avoided with type 2 diabetes regardless of the caloric intake, so because of this aspect of the diet, Atkins claimed that those who suffer type 2 diabetes would no longer need medication such as insulin. In general, doctors disagree with Atkins on this point, although they do agree, however, that a lower carbohydrate intake helps control Type 2 diabetes, but there is no proof that carbohydrates cause diabetes.

What are the steps one has to take to follow the Atkins diet? It is followed in four phases - Induction; On-Going Weight loss, Pre-maintenance and Lifetime Maintenance. Here is an overview of the most important phase - The Induction Phase.

The Induction phase is probably the most difficult of the phases in the Atkins diet. Atkins is rather flexible about how long it should last " but recommends two weeks. During this time, carbohydrate consumption should be severely curtailed " up to 20 grammes per day. The idea is to enter a fat burning metabolic process called 'ketosis' which is when the body, being starved of glucose, begins to convert previously stored fat into the fatty acids needed to power the body. Weight loss during this period is often large " some Atkins dieters report losses of 5-10 lbs. a week or more.

The goals of the final three phases in the Atkins diet are to learn the ideal carbohydrate levels for the next two phases, which are continued weight loss and weight maintenance. Many millions of people are still losing the weight they want to on the Atkins Diet " but beware the risks of taking in too much cholesterol and fat. - 30249

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